Social issues can contribute to disturbance and stress in our lives. To resolve and gain clarity on a social concern that’s presently engaging us, we need to notice our personal affiliation with it and sense how we can be empowered to take action in the form of a specific intention.

It is made for those of us who feel overwhelmed by global events with no end in sight. Those who wish to find ways to interact with the world at large in a more relevant way and for those eager for embodied experiences to unpack what is ‘going on’ in the world.
feel overwhelmed by global events with no end in sight
What is Body Dialogue?
Body Dialogue is teaching us to work with a felt sense approach internally and externally, grounding a seemingly overwhelming or convoluted issue. We use a clearing process to articulate the best use of one’s focus at this particular time and craft a resourceful response

What is it about
It is about finding a new approach to engage with societal issues. It is about crafting a plan for action in connection to your ‘felt sense’. It is about receiving nad igving support in this time of societal and global disruption.